ILCP - International League of Conservation Photographers - WILDSpeak West in Jackson, WY, in September was the first gathering for western US based Fellows and affiliates, sharing our work and learning - oral communication skills from Steve Mandel, a full day of workshops and presentations in the Museum of Wildlife Art, a stimulating day of learning about new technologies at R Lazy S Ranch adjoining Tetons National Park, and lots of relaxed social time for both of us. Although I am rotating off the Board and away from professional wildlife and conservation photography, I am so grateful and proud to be a Founding Fellow and enthusiastic supporter of iLCP, dedicated to “Ethical Environmental and Cultural Conservation Photography.”
Steve Mandel’s Oceans 360 viewing at iLCP WILDSpeak.
Nicholas, new friend George Nicol & a drone demo at R Lazy S Ranch. Executive Director Susan Norton is in the background.
From the ranch, new snow overnight in the Tetons.
The Great Western US, New to Both of Us, and Much Needed R&R.
Great Sand Dunes National Park, CO, near Alamosa, was our first stop. Did you know something so spectacular and unusual could hide among the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and the fertile San Luis Valley?
North America’s tallest dunes. Who knew?
There are little, tiny humans hiking down in the canyon. Most of the park is only for hiking or camping. Canyonlands National Park, UT.
After a night in Moab, outdoorsy-ville, we visited Arches National Park, UT. The paved roads stop at numerous trail heads, some short and easy, some more arduous, but all reminding us humans of our insignificant place in the universe.
Nicholas and camera at an Arches trailhead.
Same man; new trail. Arches National Park.
How could we not have visited Yellowstone National Park in our lives? Everyone else has, but it is no less spectacular than everyone says. September is a great time to visit - way fewer tourists, still excellent weather, sunny and temperate. We saw all the iconic animals of Yellowstone, with a few special events such as amorous bison and elk (wapiti), and way more Pronghorns than I anticipated. Our four days were not enough.
Tourists from many countries watching Old Faithful do her thing.
Paint pots — what else? — a bubbling geyser.
More geyser abstracts.
Young lovers skirting the front of our car.
New National Geographic television film on Yellowstone National Park in production.
We also spent three fantastic days visiting my cousin’s ranch just north of Yellowstone, renewed those familial bonds, but no photos. It’s all about privacy these days.
Film News
Connie will appear in the Hollywood production of Lady of Guadalupe which is scheduled to be released in theaters mid 2020. As you know, actors sign non-disclosure agreements so that is all we can tell you now. You can check out the officially published information at:
This is my screen family, Mary (Kimberley Aria Peterson) and John (Guillermo Ivan) after we wrapped the scene.
Nicholas and Connie continue acting classes at Sol Acting Academy. Perpetual Grace, Ltd, and Chambers are both available to download now, and while we were in both, we did not have speaking roles. Same for Better Call Saul, Episodes 501 & 504, for Connie.
We hope you enjoyed this taste of our glorious west. Most of our visits were in national parks or other protected lands. We must protect them as our national heritage.